Irish Donkey Society Constitution
- To uphold and improve the status of the donkey in Ireland by stimulating awareness, by whatever means are appropriate.
- To co-operate with other agencies, both statutory and voluntary, in improving the welfare of donkeys.
- To represent the interest of donkeys in Ireland.
Membership is open to anyone who supports the objectives of the Irish Donkey Society (IDS) and who pays the appropriate fee. Membership may be withheld or revoked from anyone who, in the opinion of the elected committee has not upheld the stated aims of the society.
The committee may recommend to the members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) that honorary membership be offered to certain individuals whose expertise and support is considered to be of benefit to the IDS.
An annual fee and/or life membership may be payable, the amount of which will be determined by the committee at the AGM.
A committee whose members will be elected each year at the AGM shall manage the business of the IDS. The maximum number for the committee will be 15. The minimum number shall be five. At the first meeting of the committee the following officers shall be elected Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Public Relations Officer, and Hon. Treasurer. A President will be elected by the general membership of the AGM.
The President, when called upon, will represent the Society at functions and events and, where possible, will present awards.
The Chairperson is responsible for upholding the constitution of the IDS. He/She will also chair all meetings, In the absence of the Chairperson the other officers will appoint a chairperson for that meeting.
The Hon. Secretary shall, in consultations with the Chairperson, formulate agendas for meetings, arrange meeting venues, circulate notices to officers
and members as appropriate, record the deliberations of the committee, and deal with general correspondence on behalf of the Society.
The Public Relations Officer (PRO) shall promote the interests of the IDS in accordance with its stated aims and objectives. Any public pronouncements on behalf of the IDS should be via the PRO and at the behest of the committee.
The Hon. Treasurer shall have the responsibility of keeping the accounts of the society in order and preparing them for audit in accordance with guidelines for charitable organisations.
In circumstances where an officer is unable to carry out his/her duties, the committee may select a replacement.
Committee meetings shall be confined to the business of the pre-circulated agenda. The Hon. Secretary shall notify all committee members in advance of the meetings. A simple majority carries a decision. A quorum shall be two thirds of the meeting as constituted.
Annual General Meeting requires that notice be given at least ten days prior to meeting. A quorum for this meeting is 7. A standard AGM agenda will be followed and elections will take place as required. Nominees may be proposed by post to the secretary of the society two weeks in advance of the meeting or may be made from the floor on the day and seconded from the floor of the AGM. Voting may be by secret ballot or by a show of hands. Accidental omission to notify any member will not invalidate the meeting.
The Chairperson or one third of the membership shall have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). The Hon.Secretary shall within ten days of receipt of this request, notify all members at least two weeks prior to such meeting as to the purpose of the EGM. No business other than that stated in the notice will be transacted at the EGM. Accidental omission to notify any member will not invalidate the meeting.
Written notice of any proposed change to the constitution shall be given to each member at least two weeks prior to the date fixed for any meeting at which the alteration is to be considered. The notice convening the meeting shall state the terms of the proposed change. No alteration to the constitution shall be made unless agreed by a majority vote at the AGM or EGM.